Medical grade skin needling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive treatment that uses tiny needles to create micro-injuries in the skin. These injuries stimulate the body's natural healing process, resulting in the production of new collagen and elastin, proteins that give the skin its strength, elasticity, and youthful appearance.

Performed with an FDA medical grade device featuring fine needles that penetrate the skin at a controlled depth, the treatment creates microscopic channels in the skin, triggering the body's natural healing process. As the skin heals, it produces new collagen and elastin, which plump and tighten the skin, leading to a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, improved texture, and a more youthful appearance.

Improve Skin Quality, Scaring & Collagen Production

  • Consultation: Your journey begins with a thorough consultation with one of our trained skincare professionals. During this consultation, we discuss your skincare concerns, goals, and medical history to ensure skin needling is suitable for you.

    Preparation: Before the treatment, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed to remove any makeup, oil, or impurities. This ensures the skin is clean and ready for the procedure.

    Numbing: To ensure your comfort during the treatment, a topical numbing cream may be applied to the treatment area. This helps minimise any discomfort associated with the needle penetration.

    Skin Needling: Once the skin is prepped and numbed, the SkinPen® device is gently moved across the treatment area. The device features fine, sterile needles that create controlled micro-injuries in the skin.

    Treatment: The SkinPen® creates thousands of microchannels in the skin, triggering the body's natural healing response. This process stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for skin rejuvenation and repair.

    Post-Treatment Care: After the treatment, a soothing serum or moisturiser may be applied to the skin to help calm and hydrate it. Your skincare professional will provide specific post-treatment instructions to ensure optimal healing and results.

    Recovery: While downtime is minimal, you may experience some redness, swelling, or sensitivity in the treated area for a few days following the procedure. It's essential to avoid direct sun exposure and follow any post-treatment care guidelines provided by your skincare professional.

    Results: Over time, you'll notice gradual improvements in your skin's texture, tone, and overall appearance. For optimal results, a series of treatments may be recommended, spaced several weeks apart.

    By undergoing SkinPen® medical grade skin needling at Bespoke Cosmetics Clinic, you're investing in a safe, effective, and proven treatment that can help you achieve your skincare goals.

  • For optimal results with SkinPen® medical grade skin needling, we typically recommend a series of treatments. The exact number of sessions can vary depending on your individual skin concerns and goals. However, a common recommendation is to undergo a series of 3 to 6 treatments, spaced approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart.

    This treatment approach allows for progressive improvement in skin texture, tone, and overall appearance. It also ensures that the benefits of collagen induction therapy are maximized over time. Additionally, for specific concerns such as acne scars or severe sun damage, additional treatments may be necessary to achieve desired results.

    During your initial consultation at Bespoke Cosmetics Clinic, our trained skincare professional will assess your skin and recommend a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. We will discuss the number of sessions recommended to help you achieve your skincare goals effectively.

  • Medical grade skin needling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive treatment that uses tiny needles to create micro-injuries in the skin. These injuries stimulate the body's natural healing process, resulting in the production of new collagen and elastin, proteins that give the skin its strength, elasticity, and youthful appearance.

    Performed with an FDA medical grade device featuring fine needles that penetrate the skin at a controlled depth, the treatment creates microscopic channels in the skin, triggering the body's natural healing process. As the skin heals, it produces new collagen and elastin, which plump and tighten the skin, leading to a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, improved texture, and a more youthful appearance.

  • The SkinPen® medical grade skin needling treatment offers a range of benefits and results, including:

    Improved Skin Texture: Skin needling stimulates collagen and elastin production, resulting in smoother and firmer skin texture.

    Reduced Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: By promoting collagen production, skin needling helps diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to a more youthful complexion.

    Evened Skin Tone: Skin needling can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and uneven skin tone, resulting in a more uniform complexion.

    Scar Reduction: Skin needling can effectively reduce the appearance of acne scars, surgical scars, and other types of scars by promoting collagen remodeling and skin regeneration.

    Minimised Pore Size: Skin needling can help tighten enlarged pores, resulting in a smoother and more refined skin texture.

    Increased Skin Hydration: The micro-injuries created during skin needling allow for better penetration of skincare products, leading to improved hydration and nourishment of the skin.

    Overall Skin Rejuvenation: Skin needling stimulates the skin's natural healing process, leading to overall skin rejuvenation and a healthier complexion.

    Enhanced Absorption of Skincare Products: Skin needling creates microchannels in the skin, allowing for better absorption of skincare products, resulting in enhanced efficacy of your skincare regimen.

    Overall, SkinPen® medical grade skin needling can help you achieve smoother, firmer, and more radiant skin with continued treatments.

  • Single session FACE $279

    Pack of 3 sessions FACE $787

    add on Neck or Decolletage $50 each session